南昌招商引资研究-工商管理(mba)专业毕业论文-research on nanchangs investment promotion and capital introduction - graduation thesis of mba major.docx
南昌招商引资研究-工商管理(mba)专业毕业论文-research on nanchangs investment promotion and capital introduction - graduation thesis of mba major.docx
南昌招商引资研究-工商管理(mba)专业毕业论文-research on nanchangs investment promotion and capital introduction - graduation thesis of mba major
摘要目前中国经济增长核心均集中在东部沿海地区近年来西 部大开发也一直受到了全国的关注和大力支持而中部地区作为东西部地区的桥梁和纽带 承前启后 其发展既可为东部地区提供广阔的腹地和空间 也对西部大开发有着深远的意义 随着国家一系 列重大建设项目把东部的经济中心和西部的能源中心密切相联 中 部地区尤其是人口密集的长江中游地区也将迎来快速发展的历史契 机南昌在中部地区崛起的战略选择是以加大招商引资力度为核心 大力发展开放型经济 面对日趋激烈的招商竞争 南昌更要有 符合实际的策略 本文结合笔者十多年来在南昌招商引资领域工作 的经验 运用在工商管理课程中学到的知识 对南昌招商引资的发 展战略进行了研究 并着重针对城市政府在招商引资竞争中的策略 进行了探讨 提出了一些可操作性的意见和建议全文共分四章头部章对招商引资进行了理论论述第二章着重就南昌招商引资的优势与劣势 机遇与挑战进行了分析 进而对 南昌招商引资的战略做了较为深入的研究 第三章对影响南昌招商 引资实效的若干策略进行了分析 第四章就南昌招商引资需正确处 理的若干重大问题进行了研究和总结关键词中部地区城市政府招商引资竞争战略ABSTRACTAt present, the center regions of economic growth of china are all located in the eastern coastal areas. In recent years, the development of western areas is also continuously concerned and supported by the whole nation. However, the middle areas are the bridge and link between the eastern areas and western areas. The development of the middle areas may offer broad space and markets for the eastern areas. It is also of profound significance to the development of western areas. With the construction of series of major projects, the economic center of eastern areas and the power center of western areas will be closely linked. It is a historic opportunity for the fast development of the middle areas, especially for the areas in the middle along the Yangtze River.The strategic choice of Nanchang to rise in the middle areas is vigorously developing an open economy with investment promotion as the core. Facing fierce competition in the investment introduction, Nanchang needs strategy conforming to reality particularly. In the thesis, proceeding from the experience of working in the fields of investment promotion of Nanchang for more than 10 years, and applying the knowledge learning from the courses of business administration, the author had made study on the development strategy of investment promotion of Nanchang and made research on the strategy of citygovernment in the competition for investment introduction in particular. Meanwhile, it put forward some opinions and suggestions that may be operated.The thesis has four chapters. In chapter one, the main content is the theory discuss of investment promotion. The second chapter focuses on the SWOT analysis of Nanchang’ s investment promotion, and makes deep research on the strategy of Nanchang’ s investment promotion. The third chapter makes analysis on some factors that effect the results of Nanchang’ s investment promotion. The fourth chapter makes study and summary on some major issues that should be correctly dealt with in the process of Nanchang’ s investment promotion.KEYWORDS: middle areas, city government, investment promotio n, competition, strategy上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式 标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:\≮气也日期:硼y年I明尸曰上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定, 同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子 版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位 论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、 缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。保密。
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